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Addiction Treatment Programs

Person lying on couch and talking to their therapist about addiction treatment programsAre you looking for addiction treatment programs in Columbus, Ohio, that can help you or a loved one overcome a substance use disorder (SUD) and get back on the right track? Ray of Hope is here to help. Our addiction treatment center offers comprehensive rehab programs that address the physical aspects of addiction and provide emotional and mental support to help clients through the recovery process. Call 380.400.4673 to speak with someone from Ray of Hope’s caring and compassionate team about our behavioral health treatment programs—including those involving addiction treatment.

What Are the Types of Addiction Treatment Programs?

At Ray of Hope, we offer various types of addiction treatment programs. Depending on your needs, we can customize an addiction treatment plan to fit your specific situation. Two common types of addiction treatment programs we offer are the following:

  • Partial hospitalization program (PHP) – A comprehensive addiction treatment program that offers flexible hours and includes addiction therapy sessions and daily medical care
  • Intensive outpatient program (IOP) – A structured addiction treatment program that provides more intensive addiction therapy but allows clients to spend evenings at home with their families

These programs often include detoxification, psychotherapy, rehabilitation, and aftercare services. Some rehab programs also include relapse prevention therapy, life skills training, and even holistic therapies like yoga and art therapy.

What to Expect from Rehab Programs

When you enter an addiction treatment program at Ray of Hope, you can expect personalized care and attention from our caring and compassionate team of medical professionals specializing in treating SUDs and counselors dedicated to helping clients achieve long-term sobriety. Ray of Hope provides comprehensive care to clients struggling with addiction, such as:

  • Individual counseling sessions
  • Group therapy sessions
  • Nutritional guidance

Clients can also access recreational activities such as yoga classes or art sessions to help them relax and focus on their recovery journey. 

Benefits of Getting Admitted to an Addiction Treatment Center

The primary benefit of getting admitted into an addiction treatment center is that it provides a safe environment where people can focus solely on their recovery without worrying about external factors that could distract them from their goals. Additionally, when individuals receive professional care in this setting, they are more likely to experience better outcomes than if they tried to quit independently or rely on self-help groups alone. Finally, many rehab centers have aftercare programs that provide extra support during the transition back home after completing the initial treatment program.

Why Are Behavioral Health Treatment Programs Necessary for Maintaining Mental Wellness?

Behavioral health treatments are vital because they help individuals learn how to cope with stressors associated with everyday life while also teaching them effective ways to manage their emotions and behaviors to prevent relapse or further damage caused by mental health conditions. Behavioral health treatment programs include addiction treatment programs.

Addiction treatment programs are necessary to overcome SUDs and maintain mental wellness. At Ray of Hope, we provide addiction treatment programs tailored to each individual’s needs and can help guide them on their recovery journey. Our caring and compassionate team of professionals is here to support you or your loved one every step of the way.

Find Addiction Treatment Programs in Ohio at Ray of Hope

If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction, don’t wait any longer for assistance—get help today. At Ray of Hope Behavioral Health in Columbus, Ohio, we provide comprehensive rehab programs explicitly designed for those struggling with SUDs.

Our addiction treatment center helps our clients learn how to live sober lives free from drugs or alcohol while also managing any underlying mental health issues they may have been dealing with before entering our facility. Our caring and compassionate team works closely with each client, so they can create a personalized plan that meets their unique needs and helps them reach their goals for long-term sobriety and good mental health. Contact Ray of Hope today at 380.400.4673 to learn more about our addiction treatment programs in Ohio.