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Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

People sitting and socializing in a substance abuse treatment programAt Ray of Hope, we understand the significant impact substance use can have on a person’s life and mental health. Deciding to take the brave step toward a substance use treatment program can be daunting. That’s why we offer compassionate and personalized addiction treatment programs to fit your unique needs.

Our substance abuse treatment programs provide the necessary tools for individuals to make positive changes that will lead to long-term recovery. Because our approach is specific to each individual, clients can take control of their substance use issues and create a plan that works best for them. We believe in empowering individuals to build on their existing skills and providing support when necessary.

If you are an adult over the age of 18 and a family member or friend of someone struggling with addiction, we invite you to contact us. Our team can help individuals and families find recovery that suits them. Don’t hesitate to call us at 380.400.4673 today. We are here to help and answer any questions you may have about our substance abuse treatment programs.

What Are Substance Use Disorders?

Substance use disorder (SUD) is a debilitating condition that can be emotionally, physically, and financially draining for those living with it. Unfortunately, it has become increasingly common as recent events have caused many to use substances to cope with life’s challenges. Thankfully, there are alcohol addiction treatment programs and opioid addiction treatment programs available to help those struggling with substance use overcome their battles.

With the right programs in place, individuals with SUDs can gain access to resources that enable them to reclaim their lives and steer away from a life of despair caused by addiction. Through these beneficial substance abuse treatment programs, people can start on the path to recovery and regain control of their lives.

Signs of Substance Use Disorders

SUDs are not something to take lightly. They affect millions of people worldwide, including those close to us. One of the most important things people can do is to be able to recognize some of the signs and symptoms associated with SUDs. Common signs of SUDs involve:

  • Intense cravings for alcohol or drugs
  • Inability to limit alcohol or drug use
  • Neglecting responsibilities at home and work
  • Health problems related to the substance
  • Negative changes in behavior
  • Social withdrawal
  • Risky behaviors

Additionally, those suffering from SUDs may experience relationship issues, job loss, legal problems, and withdrawal symptoms when attempting to quit using. Recognizing these serious signs and getting help for yourself or a loved one can save someone’s life.

What Happens in Substance Use Disorder Treatment?

SUD treatment can be life-changing, giving individuals the practical tools they need to live healthier and happier lives. Personalized treatment programs provide each client with an individualized approach to help them reach their goals better and faster. Treatment can typically include:

  • Counseling
  • Education about substance use
  • Relapse prevention skills
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Stress management techniques
  • Support from family and friends

Those seeking treatment require access to the right resources, like a supportive environment and knowledgeable professionals, to get the most out of their experience. Through this personalized approach to recovery, many clients successfully navigate recovery challenges while developing strong coping skills for long-term relief from SUD symptoms.

How Can Substance Abuse Counseling Help?

Struggling with addiction can be a difficult and exhausting journey. However, utilizing substance use counseling to aid your recovery process could make the path to sobriety achievable and gratifying. With the guidance of a qualified, licensed counselor, those affected by substance use can gain deeper insight into their addictive behaviors and how to address them. Substance use counselors might work in private practices, hospitals, clinics, or other healthcare facilities.

Counselors draw upon evidence-based approaches like cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), and trauma therapy to help clients achieve their treatment goals. In addition to providing practical strategies to tackle addiction, counselors may use individual or group sessions to create a safe space that encourages client communication and growth.

No matter one’s reasons for turning to counsel services, it is a hopeful and powerful way to regain control of one’s life and build sustainable sobriety.

Learn More About Ray of Hope's Substance Abuse Treatment Programs in Columbus, Ohio

At Ray of Hope, we aim to understand the needs of our clients and their backgrounds to help them achieve a successful recovery from addiction. We know the stress that substance users experience, which is why we offer compassionate and supportive care to help you reach your goals. Ray of Hope provides various programs and services to the Ohio community to achieve recovery and manage it over the long term. Contact Ray of Hope today at 380.400.4673 to learn more about our substance abuse treatment programs available through Ray of Hope.